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Ronald Hore

What's Up Ron?

I've haven't been doing much serious writing in the last while. I finished off the Housetrap Chronicles series with the 12th episode, "The Mid-Winter Cuckoos at Midnight," now an ebook, and still waiting for episodes 10,11, and 12 to be gathered in a print volume #4 which should be available sometime in 2022.

During the two years of covid 19 I passed the time by writing two more novels. "The Perils of Paul, " an odd-ball fantasy epic, was posted chapter by chapter on my author Facebook page. Not sure what will happen with this next. Have had an offer from a friend to help publish it for me on the self route. The other novel, working title, "A Summer in Paradise," is a bit of a paranormal thriller thingy. I sent it to one of my favorite editors just to comment on, and she passed it along to my current publisher. If Champagne doesn't pick it up I may follow up on the self-ish idea too just to get it out there.

Have a couple of novel ideas thrashing about in my head, and with pandemics easing, have a few more public appearances at markets and cons. Four scheduled so far for the balance of this 2022 year. Some of my books are available at the Manitoba Made store in Lac Du Bonnet MB, and I believe there are still some copies of, "Of Destiny's Daughters," at the Indigo on Kenniston in Winnipeg.

Or maybe it is just time to think about slowing down, but somehow I doubt that.

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