As most of you know, the 11th Housetrap Chronicles Episode, 'Twas the Week Before the Night, was published as an eBook on November 29th 2021. This was my "holiday season" effort with the usual chaos of these things. To be brief, it is holiday time in my personal fantasy land, and Private Eyeball Randy and his trusty side-kick Bertha, must leave the office in the middle of the seasons preparations to wander off into outer space on a forklift sort of vehicle to rescue orphan children on an asteroid that is about to be invaded by pirates in search of slaves for a mining operation. A typical one of these tales that I love to write when I need a break.
Only out as an ebook now, it will be available in print once Housetrap Chronicles #12, "The Mid-Winter Cuckoos at Midnight" is released in 2022 and the the last three tales then come out in a print anthology. Cuckoos is now wrapping up in editing, so I expect we'll see it sometime in early 2022.
I wrote two full length novels during the depths of Covid19 with no idea what I was going to do with them. My editor has asked to take a peak at the paranormal one.
While all this is going on I've been catching up on my reading. Just finished "By Force Alone," a slightly foul-mouthed and brutal retelling of the Arthurian legend. Can't wait to get my hands on the next book in the series. I also have a book I'm supposed to be reviewing but keep getting side-tracked by the ninth and final volume in the Expanse outer space series. Have trouble putting that one down.
Hopefully everyone looking forward to 2022. If you need to lay hands on one of my many tales before Christmas, they are all available as ebooks through Amazon kindle and Kobo and the usual suspects. All except the individual novellas are available in print, of course, from Amazon, the publisher, or me, if you track me down. Don't know where I'll be appearing in person in 2022 yet, but you can always contact me at if you are in Winnipeg.
Be kind out there, and try to enjoy. Keep on writing and reading!